Thursday, May 7, 2009

Social Impediment Complications

Thursday, May 7, 2009
Lately I have realized as I get older I tend to shorten my salutations to passerbys and/or neighbors. The innocent wish of "Good Morning" has become "Mornin'", "Good Afternoon" becomes "Afternoon" and so on. Then there is the head nod. In a culture that thinks it is rude to look at other people needs an escape route. Enter the Nod. It can mean "Hey, what's up?", "I acknowledge your presence as we walk past each other in silence" or the most common "I was just staring at you and you looked at me too so now without having a conversation or any more awkward ogling we should both agree to an exit plan to get out of this contract we just initiated with our eyes".
I think I might have to get more creative and do a little jig as I go by or just hand out info cards telling all the basics about myself before any other inital contact. Wouldn't things be interesting if we were all blind and had to grope our way through greetings? What if we met like dogs? We could all just tattoo our names on our palms and just wave our introductions. That might cut down on handshake transmitted disease.


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