Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thursday, January 15, 2009
So, here I am hitching my line to the everpresent bandwagon and gettin' myself abloggin'. Never really fancied myself as a blogger but I do tend to say things a bit more eloquently without using my mouth. I honestly don't know how much time I will devote to this or how much time will pass before I tire of blogging or think it has become too...something. We'll see. That's why I got rid of my MySpace account. I felt there was some disconnection that wasn't being fulfilled between distant relationships and the people I saw everyday at work knew everything I had done the night before already and we would have nothing to talk about during the day. Then Rupert Murdoch vicariously (through his evil empire of 34% of the media) bought MySpace. I was done with it after I found that out. Whatever..the battles I choose seem to only have purpose to me...dems da berries.


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